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Investments Development Building +7 (495) 120 04 68

Investment projects on offer


Type of property
Site area (hectares)
Construction volume (sq m)
Type of transaction
Object №303Moscow, Eastern AD, ул. 2-я Прядильная ул.
Site area0.230 hectarePermitted usePublic amenities, Residential developmentCurrent state of the project Issue of CDPL
Object №302Moscow, Eastern AD, ул. Суздальская ул.
Site area1.160 hectarePermitted useCommerce, Offices, administrativeCurrent state of the project Design and survey work (DSW)
Object №301Moscow, Southern AD, ул. в районе м. Царицыно
Site area0.374 hectarePermitted useResidential developmentCurrent state of the project Design and survey work (DSW), Obtaining the construction permit
Object №298Moscow, Central AD, ул. Пожарский переулок
Site area0.030 hectarePermitted useResidential developmentCurrent state of the project Issue of CDPL
Object №297Moscow, Southern AD, ул. 1-й Нагатинский проезд
Site area2.230 hectarePermitted useIndustrial-warehousing facilitiesCurrent state of the project Issuing the site plan (SP)
Object №293Moscow, Eastern AD, ул. Ибрагимова ул., д.31, корп.4а
Site area0.300 hectarePermitted useIndustrial-warehousing facilitiesCurrent state of the project Issuing the site plan (SP)
Object №292Moscow, North-Eastern AD, ул. Кольская ул., д.2, корп.4
Site area0.200 hectarePermitted useOffices, administrative, Stadiums and arenasCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №291Moscow, Eastern AD, ул. Окружной проезд, вл. 10Б
Site area1.070 hectarePermitted useIndustrial-warehousing facilities, Public amenitiesCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №289Moscow, Northern AD, ул. ул. Бусиновская горка, д. 2, стр. 1
Site area4.530 hectarePermitted useIndustrial-warehousing facilities, Offices, administrativeCurrent state of the project Issuing the site plan (SP)
Object №284Moscow, South-Eastern AD, ул. Краснодонская ул., 35
Site area0.390 hectarePermitted useCommunity centers
Object №283Moscow, South-Western AD, ул. Типографская ул., вл.10
Site area1.810 hectarePermitted useIndustrial-warehousing facilitiesCurrent state of the project Issuing the site plan (SP)
Object №274Moscow, Northern AD, ул. Ленинградский проспект
Site area2.300 hectarePermitted useIndustrial-warehousing facilities, Offices, administrative, Public amenitiesCurrent state of the project Issuing the site plan (SP)
Object №272Moscow, Eastern AD, ул. 7-я Чоботовская аллея, вл. 6
Permitted useCommunity centersCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №271Moscow, Eastern AD, ул. Сельскохозяйственная, вл. 18, корп. 3
Permitted useCommerceCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №270Moscow, Eastern AD, ул. Зорге, вл. 5
Site area0.110 hectarePermitted useCommerceCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №269Moscow, Eastern AD, ул. Чечёрский проезд, владение 45, строение 2
Site area0.550 hectarePermitted useHealth and leisure institutionsCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №268Moscow, Eastern AD, ул. Интернациональная
Site area0.460 hectarePermitted useOffices, administrativeCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №266Moscow, Northern AD, ул. "Солнечногорская ул."
Site area12.600 hectarePermitted useIndustrial-warehousing facilitiesCurrent state of the project Issuing the site plan (SP)
Object №265Moscow, Northern AD, ул. Ленинградский проспект, д.37, корпус 12
Site area1.070 hectarePermitted useOffices, administrativeCurrent state of the project Amending title deeds
Object №264Moscow, Northern AD, ул. проезд Черепановых, вл.56а
Site area1.270 hectarePermitted useCommunity centersCurrent state of the project Amending title deeds
Object №263Moscow, Troitsky AD, ул. поселение Новофедоровское, дер. Ожигово, ул. Мирская, уч. 4
Site area0.130 hectarePermitted useResidential developmentCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction