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Investments Development Building +7 (495) 120 04 68

Investment projects on offer


Type of property
Site area (hectares)
Construction volume (sq m)
Type of transaction
Object №262Moscow, Troitsky AD, ул. поселение Новофедоровское, дер. Ожигово, ул. Мирская, уч. 3
Site area0.130 hectarePermitted useResidential developmentCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №261Moscow, Troitsky AD, ул. поселение Новофедоровское, дер. Ожигово, ул. Мирская, уч. 1
Site area0.163 hectarePermitted useResidential developmentCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №260Moscow, Eastern AD, ул. Перовская ул., вл.6а
Site area0.954 hectarePermitted useCommunity centersCurrent state of the project Amending title deeds
Object №259Moscow, Troitsky AD, ул. поселение Новофедоровское, дер. Ожигово, ул. Мирская, уч. 5
Site area0.155 hectarePermitted useResidential developmentCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №258Moscow, South-Eastern AD, ул. 5-я Кабельная улица, вл.14
Site area1.047 hectarePermitted useCommerce, Filling stations, Industrial-warehousing facilities, Offices, administrative, Public amenitiesCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №257Moscow, South-Eastern AD, ул. Краснодарская ул., вл.6
Site area0.932 hectarePermitted useCommunity centersCurrent state of the project Issue of CDPL
Object №255Moscow, Southern AD, ул. внутригородское муниципальное образование Братеево, Проектируемый проезд № 5431 (ул.Братеевская)
Site area1.350 hectarePermitted useIndustrial-warehousing facilities, Offices, administrative, Public amenitiesCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №254Moscow, South-Eastern AD, ул. поселок Некрасовка
Site area0.600 hectarePermitted useCommerce, Filling stations, Industrial-warehousing facilities, Offices, administrative, Public amenitiesCurrent state of the project Amending title deeds
Object №253Moscow, Zelenograd AD, ул. Зеленоград, проезд № 5253
Site area1.400 hectarePermitted useCommerce, Filling stations, Industrial-warehousing facilities, Offices, administrative, Public amenitiesCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №252Moscow, Eastern AD, ул. ПЗ Руднево, пр.пр. 265, участок № 3
Site area3.330 hectarePermitted useIndustrial-warehousing facilities, Offices, administrative, Public amenitiesCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №251Moscow, South-Eastern AD, ул. 1-й Угрешский проезд, вл. 4
Site area1.020 hectarePermitted useOffices, administrativeCurrent state of the project Amending title deeds
Object №250Moscow, North-Eastern AD, ул. Анненский проезд, 1
Site area3.310 hectarePermitted useIndustrial-warehousing facilitiesCurrent state of the project Issuing the site plan (SP), Issue of CDPL
Object №246Moscow, North-Eastern AD, ул. 1-ый Стрелецкий проезд, вл. 14/21
Site area0.400 hectarePermitted useHealth and leisure institutions, Stadiums and arenasCurrent state of the project Design and survey work (DSW)
Object №248Moscow, Eastern AD, ул. Варшавское шоссе, вл. 170г
Site area0.100 hectarePermitted useCommunity centersCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №247Moscow, Eastern AD, ул. Новокосинская, вл. 30/6
Site area0.730 hectarePermitted useCommunity centers, Public amenitiesCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №245Moscow, Eastern AD, ул. ул. Старобитцевская, напротив вл. 19А
Site area0.220 hectarePermitted usePublic amenitiesCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №244Moscow, Eastern AD, ул. Бунинская аллея, корп.14 (мкр.5А)
Site area0.320 hectarePermitted usePublic amenities, Stadiums and arenasCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №243Moscow, Eastern AD, ул. Нижегородская, вл. 76
Site area0.380 hectarePermitted useCommunity centersCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №242Moscow, Western AD, ул. Скульптора Мухиной, вл. 14
Site area0.389 hectarePermitted useHealth and leisure institutionsCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №241Moscow, Western AD, ул. Авиаторов, вл.11, участок №1
Site area0.280 hectarePermitted useCommerceCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction
Object №240Moscow, North-Western AD, ул. Строгино, проезд 607
Site area0.500 hectarePermitted useIndustrial-warehousing facilitiesCurrent state of the project Issue of CDPL