+7 (495) 120 04 68
Investment projects on offer

Site area0.130 hectarePermitted useResidential developmentCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction

Site area0.163 hectarePermitted useResidential developmentCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction

Site area0.954 hectarePermitted useCommunity centersCurrent state of the project Amending title deeds

Site area0.155 hectarePermitted useResidential developmentCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction

Site area1.047 hectarePermitted useCommerce, Filling stations, Industrial-warehousing facilities, Offices, administrative, Public amenitiesCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction

Site area0.932 hectarePermitted useCommunity centersCurrent state of the project Issue of CDPL

Site area1.350 hectarePermitted useIndustrial-warehousing facilities, Offices, administrative, Public amenitiesCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction

Site area0.600 hectarePermitted useCommerce, Filling stations, Industrial-warehousing facilities, Offices, administrative, Public amenitiesCurrent state of the project Amending title deeds

Site area1.400 hectarePermitted useCommerce, Filling stations, Industrial-warehousing facilities, Offices, administrative, Public amenitiesCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction

Site area3.330 hectarePermitted useIndustrial-warehousing facilities, Offices, administrative, Public amenitiesCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction

Site area1.020 hectarePermitted useOffices, administrativeCurrent state of the project Amending title deeds

Site area3.310 hectarePermitted useIndustrial-warehousing facilitiesCurrent state of the project Issuing the site plan (SP), Issue of CDPL

Site area0.400 hectarePermitted useHealth and leisure institutions, Stadiums and arenasCurrent state of the project Design and survey work (DSW)

Site area0.100 hectarePermitted useCommunity centersCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction

Site area0.730 hectarePermitted useCommunity centers, Public amenitiesCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction

Site area0.220 hectarePermitted usePublic amenitiesCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction

Site area0.320 hectarePermitted usePublic amenities, Stadiums and arenasCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction

Site area0.380 hectarePermitted useCommunity centersCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction

Site area0.389 hectarePermitted useHealth and leisure institutionsCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction

Site area0.280 hectarePermitted useCommerceCurrent state of the project Readiness for a transaction

Site area0.500 hectarePermitted useIndustrial-warehousing facilitiesCurrent state of the project Issue of CDPL